Explore and experience divine love and global awakening.
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We’re an inclusive and thriving spiritual community creating experiences of Divine Love for individual and global awakening.
We are an inclusive spiritual community based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes’, The Science of Mind and Spirit. This is our foundation and the tools we use in our spiritual practices. These practices empower our personal growth and our connection to Spirit. As we personally transform, we lift others in their growth as well. We believe that the power of Divine Love is found in all spiritual traditions and religions.
In providing spiritual guidance, I support your journey of rediscovering your birthright of joy and wholeness. Each confidential session draws upon Science of Mind teachings and is uniquely tailored to help you find the answers that are already within you.
Rev. Kevin Bucy Community Spiritual Leader – Universal Spirit Center
Yes, children are so welcome! At our 10:30am Sunday Gathering we have a Youth Ministry for children from infants to elementary school age. We also have a Teen Ministry for the older kids. The children learn our philosophy in a hands-on way through stories, crafts and projects appropriate to their age. On nice days we often go to a near-by park to get in touch with nature and play.
We are a non-denominational spiritual center that is inclusive of all spiritual paths and religions. We incorporate the teachings of many spiritual teachers in our talks and lessons.
No cost to join us for our Sunday gatherings. We do ask for donations to help support our center but there is no obligation for you to donate unless you feel moved to do so.
No research required. Just join us and see if our philosophy resonates with you. If you feel lead to learn more we always offer classes that will take you deeper. Foundations, which is our introductory class to Science of Mind and Spirit, is offered a few times a year.
No need to renounce anything. Science of Mind doesn’t denounce any religion or spiritual practices. We often incorporate other traditions and teachers in our Sunday talks. Science of Mind (also know as Religious Science) is a philosophy of love, knowing the truth of who you are, and connection to spirit, which transforms your life to one of joy and abundance.
© 2022 Universal Spirit Center
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