Prayer Support and Spiritual Guidance

Providing powerful and effective

Universal Spirit Center Staff Ministers and Licensed Prayer Practitioners (RScP) are spiritual counselors licensed by Centers for Spiritual Living. They have at least three to four years of training in providing support for those on the spiritual path as well as affirmative prayer (Spiritual Mind Treatment).

Each is bound by a high code of ethics to respect your privacy. They are available for prayer after our Sunday Gatherings and/or one on one sessions on a fee-basis.

Prayer Request

Prayer Request

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In our Individual unfoldment

We commit to conduct daily spiritual practice, in service to our own growth and revelation of the Divine as us
We commit to let the activity of Truth in our consciousness be our first, last and only concern
We commit to lean into the light through whatever challenge we may experience
We commit to practice the presence such that God is more real to us than any outward appearance


In our Commitments to Each Other

We practice loving kindness with our interactions with each other
We take responsibility for any harm we may inflict on each other
We are a safe space, holding the highest truth for each other
We strive to be vulnerable and authentic with each other


In Service to Others’ Spiritual Unfoldment

We consecrate our life to the spiritual awareness of God within ourselves, each other and all beings everywhere
We consecrate our lives to the willing and enthusiastic sharing of Divine awareness within to all who would seek it
We commit to building spiritual community in our lives for personal and global awakening
We strive to always be a reliable context for spiritual truth in all of our affairs
We commit to pray with fervor, integrity, faith and love
We commit to the practice of deep listening to God and others
We promise to bring a consciousness of love and understanding throughout our tenure as practitioner — beginning, middle and end — in all that we communicate and share